With pencil and paper, this course takes the student through a sequential progression of skills to master, culminating in a final project bringing together the mastered skills. Students come together and work on the skills and projects while the teacher offers demonstrations and help & commentary. Drawing 1 is focused on the elements of line, shape, and volume, how to block-in and measure for accuracy, value & depth, and observational drawing. Explore tools and techniques and creative problem-solving.
Bring the following supplies:
A drawing sketchbook of quality paper, any size from 6” x 8” to 8” x 10”
Choose from the following:
- Hobby Lobby: Master’s Touch, 95lb or
- Michael’s: Strathmore 400 Series, 80lb
Pencils: Set of 12 pencils
- Hobby Lobby
- Koh-I-Noor 8B to 2H in a tin case or
- General’s Kimberly 6B to 4H or
- General’s Semi-hex 6B to 4H
- Michael’s: General’s Kimberly 6B to 4H (online)
Kneaded eraser, any size or brand
White eraser
Metal pencil sharpener and/or craft knife
Optional: sandpaper block
Instructor will supply large size drawing paper