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Course Catalog > Community Art > Adult > Books Arts, Papermaking, Printmaking & Mixed Media

4517 | Easy Papermaking: for Home & Classroom   

Want to make your own paper for home projects or incorporate the science of papermaking into your classroom? Simple and inexpensive tools will be discussed and demonstrated. All steps of the papermaking process will be discussed with explanations of how it can be incorporated in the classroom. Topics will include pulp preparation, equipment needs, sheet formation, pressing and drying. Simple paper projects will be discussed with time given for students to pull a few sheets of paper. Handouts of topics discussed will be provided. See *PAPERMAKING NOTE.

*PAPERMAKING NOTE: Papermaking is a wet process; please dress accordingly, closed-toed & non-slip shoes should be worn. Water-proof aprons are available. Students will pick up work made during class at a later time to allow for drying.


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