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Course Catalog > Community Art > Adult > Fibers & Weaving

2258 | The Ephemeral Vessel: Exploring Plaster, Fiber & Paper   

As objects made for human interaction and handling, both containing and bounded by space, vessels can take many forms and be constructed of a wide variety of materials. This mixed-media fiber art workshop incorporates components such as gauze and plaster bandages, cheesecloth, hydrosoluable fiber along with mulberry paper, walnut ink, wire, and found objects. Participants will create at least one mixed-media vessel that can be displayed on a flat or wall surface. It may begin with layers of plaster gauze and acrylicreinforced cheesecloth with additions of other fibers, paper, patches, and stitches. You can create patterns, textures, and relief work by strategically combining layers. Includes some materials; see the website for a list of items to bring to class; please bring a lunch both days.


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