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Course Catalog > Community Art > Adult > Fibers & Weaving

Fibers & Weaving   


  • 2121 | Broom Making: A Comprehensive Introduction
  • Fee: $265.00
    Item Number: CA-FYFIB2121SP1
    Dates: 3/15/2025 - 3/16/2025
    Times: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    Days: Su Sa
    Sessions: 2
    Building: Santikos Building 1201 Navarro St
    Instructor: Casandra Cutter

    Discover the history, tradition, and craft of handmade brooms. This workshop will focus on broom making materials, tools, and a variety of techniques, including full-sized sweeping brooms, whisks, cobwebbers, and more as time allows. Students will come away from this workshop prepared with a strong foundational knowledge to continue practicing the craft at home—not to mention their own array of ready to use brooms tied in class! NOTE: This is a very physical craft, and moderate hand and body strength is needed. All materials will be provided by instructor; please bring a lunch both days.

    This class is for All Levels

    Class Location: Droste Studio, Room 240 | Santikos Building 

    Tuition is due in full at time of registration

    Refund Policy

    Materials List




  • 2156 | Nuno Felting Techniques
  • Fee: $200.00
    Item Number: CA-FYFIB2156SP1
    Dates: 3/1/2025 - 3/2/2025
    Times: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    Days: Su Sa
    Sessions: 2
    Building: Santikos Building 1201 Navarro St
    Instructor: Liza Collins
    THIS CLASS IS FULL. Please click the "Add to Waitlist" button below. You will not be charged to be added to the waitlist. When a space becomes available the first person on the waitlist will be contacted.  If that person cannot take the space we will move to the next person until the space is filled.
    In nuno, or laminated felting, loose wool fibers are fused with a pre-existing woven fabric to create stunning and highly textural effects. Using the process of wet felting, the wool fibers that are placed on top of the pre-existing fabric migrate through the woven structure and locked in place. As the wool fibers shrink they pull the fabric with them causing ruching, puckering and pleating. Nuno felts are generally lightweight, flexible, and extremely versatile for use in making garments, accessories, or fine art pieces. No previous experience necessary. See SSA website for a list of materials; please bring a bag lunch. 

    This class is for All Levels

    Location: Droste Studio, Room 240 | Santikos Building 

    Refund Policy

    Materials List


  • 2258 | The Ephemeral Vessel: Exploring Plaster, Fiber & Paper
  • Fee: $190.00
    Item Number: CA-FYFIB2258SP1
    Dates: 2/22/2025 - 2/23/2025
    Times: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    Days: Su Sa
    Sessions: 2
    Building: Santikos Building 1201 Navarro St
    Instructor: Lyn Belisle
    THIS CLASS IS FULL. Please click the "Add to Waitlist" button below. You will not be charged to be added to the waitlist. When a space becomes available the first person on the waitlist will be contacted.  If that person cannot take the space we will move to the next person until the space is filled.

    As objects made for human interaction and handling, both containing and bounded by space, vessels can take many forms and be constructed of a wide variety of materials. This mixed-media fiber art workshop incorporates components such as gauze and plaster bandages, cheesecloth, hydrosoluable fiber along with mulberry paper, walnut ink, wire, and found objects. Participants will create at least one mixed-media vessel that can be displayed on a flat or wall surface. It may begin with layers of plaster gauze and acrylicreinforced cheesecloth with additions of other fibers, paper, patches, and stitches. You can create patterns, textures, and relief work by strategically combining layers. Includes some materials; see the website for a list of items to bring to class; please bring a lunch both days.

    This class is for All Levels

    Class Location: Droste Studio, Room 240 | Santikos Building 

    Tuition is due in full at time of registration

    Refund Policy

    Materials List


  • 2888 | Saori Weaving
  • Fee: $215.00
    Item Number: CA-FYFIB2888SP1
    Dates: 2/8/2025 - 2/9/2025
    Times: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    Days: Su Sa
    Sessions: 2
    Building: Urschel Building
    Instructor: Kathy Utts
    SAORI-style weaving has recently taken hold in North 
    America, attracting both novice weavers and experienced 
    traditional weavers due to its “free-style” approach; begin 
    or expand your weaving journey using this user-friendly 
    methodology that emphasizes an individual’s creative 
    expression. The workshop will introduce you to the history 
    behind SAORI and Japanese founder Misao Jo, and the 
    philosophy behind the forgiving, “no-mistakes” nature of 
    SAORI weaving as you experiment with techniques, texture, 
    and color. Explore some traditional weaving techniques and 
    those that are particular to SAORI with a focus on creative 
    use of color and textures. All materials will be provided, 
    including a pre-warped floor loom will be provided for use 
    during class, or you may bring your own pre-warped loom 
    (see website materials list) as well as a large assortment 
    of yarn, ribbon, fabric strips, hand dyed roving and other 
    treasures will be available to use; please bring lunch.

    This class is for All Levels

    Class Location: Russell Hill Rogers Lecture Hall, RM 150 | Santikos Building

    Tuition is due in full at time of registration. 


    Refund Policy

    Materials List




  • 2002 | On-Loom Weaving Studio Projects
  • Fee: $335.00
    Item Number: CA-FYFIB2002SP1
    Dates: 1/27/2025 - 4/7/2025
    Times: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    Days: M
    Sessions: 11
    Building: Tobin Building
    Instructor: Casey Galloway
    REGISTRATION FOR THIS CLASS IS CLOSED. This class is already in session.

    This program is designed for intermediate and advanced student-artists who wish to pursue their own direction in weaving. Acquiring new structural and manual skills and exploring new materials will be emphasized. Individual planning sessions along with some group instruction will allow students to proceed at their own pace. Each weaver will have exclusive use of one of the Fibers Department’s large collection of floor looms and three-week use of the dye lab. Prior to registering, students must contact, casey., by Apr 2; if approved, students will be contacted by e-mail on or before Apr 2 and must register by May 6. The instructor reserves the right to restrict enrollment. Prerequisite: 2001 Introduction to Weaving or equivalent experience.

    This class is for Intermediate/Advanced Levels

    Location: Maxham Fiber studio, 1st and 2nd floor | Tobin Building

    Tuition is due in full at time of registration

    Refund Policy

    Materials List



  • 2002 | On-Loom Weaving Studio Projects
  • Fee: $335.00
    Item Number: CA-FYFIB2002SP2
    Dates: 1/28/2025 - 4/8/2025
    Times: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    Days: Tu
    Sessions: 11
    Building: Tobin Building
    Instructor: Casey Galloway
    REGISTRATION FOR THIS CLASS IS CLOSED. This class is already in session.

    This program is designed for intermediate and advanced student-artists who wish to pursue their own direction in weaving. Acquiring new structural and manual skills and exploring new materials will be emphasized. Individual planning sessions along with some group instruction will allow students to proceed at their own pace. Each weaver will have exclusive use of one of the Fibers Department’s large collection of floor looms and three-week use of the dye lab. Prior to registering, students must contact, casey., by Apr 2; if approved, students will be contacted by e-mail on or before Apr 2 and must register by May 6. The instructor reserves the right to restrict enrollment. Prerequisite: 2001 Introduction to Weaving or equivalent experience.

    This class is for Intermediate/Advanced Levels

    Location: Maxham Fiber studio, 1st and 2nd floor | Tobin Building

    Tuition is due in full at time of registration

    Refund Policy

    Materials List



  • 2005 | Intermediate Weaving
  • Fee: $335.00
    Item Number: CA-FYFIB2005SP1
    Dates: 1/23/2025 - 4/3/2025
    Times: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    Days: Th
    Sessions: 11
    Building: Tobin Building
    Instructor: Casey Galloway
    REGISTRATION FOR THIS CLASS IS CLOSED. This class is already in session.

    Designed for the intermediate weavers who wishes to pursue a more in-depth exploration of the weaving process. Several weaving structures, materials, and loom control, as well as designing independent projects will be emphasized along with refreshers on dressing a loom and reading a draft. The class will begin with a group project and work up to individual projects. Each weaver will have exclusive use of one of the Fibers Department’s floor looms. Prior to registering: Students must contact the Fibers Department,, by Dec. 3; and if approved, students will be contacted by e-mail on or before Dec. 3 and must register by Jan 10. The instructor reserves the right to restrict enrollment. Prerequisite: Introduction to Weaving or equivalent experience.


    This class is for Intermediate Levels

    Class Location: Maxham Fiber Studio, 1st and 2nd Floor | Tobin Building

    Tuition is due in full at time of registration

    Refund Policy

    Materials List


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