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Course Catalog > Legal Studies > Paralegal Certificate Program

Paralegal Certificate Program   


The Paralegal Certificate Program is designed and taught by local, practicing attorneys to prepare participants to be knowledgeable, ethical, and effective while emphasizing legal areas where paralegals are most in demand.

Paralegals, also called legal assistants, perform many tasks under attorney supervision, such as legal research, document drafting, fact investigation, case management, and preparation for trial.

The program is comprised of three phases/semesters: Paralegal 1, Paralegal 2, and Paralegal 3. The program builds skills from the ground up at an accelerated rate (approximately 14 weeks long per phase). The entire program can be completed in 11 months.

Although participants will receive a broad-based education developing the knowledge needed to work in any jurisdiction/state, the program prepares participants to work in a Texas law office. Upon completion of the program, you will receive a UTSA Paralegal Certificate of Completion.


Course Information

A welcome email will be sent to you the week of the workshop's start date. This email will contain course information and meeting links. Your intructor will be copied in this email for any questions you may have regarding the workshop. 





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