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Russia and China: War, Repression, Autocracy – Past, Present, Future   

In this course we will seek to understand current events in Russia and China by looking at key aspects of their history.  Why has Russia violated democratic norms, concentrated power in the hands of Putin, and  invaded Ukraine?  Why has China tightened political control at home, repressed democracy in Hong Kong, emphasized military dominance in the region, and concentrated power in the hands of Xi?

For Russia we will consider origins in Kievan Rus, gradual expansion and incorporation of new lands into Russia, the Tsarist system, 19th century revolutionary movements, the Bolshevik revolution, Stalinism, the impact of World War II, post-Stalin changes, Gorbachev, dissolution of the Soviet Union, chaos of the 1990’s, the rise of Putin and increasing repression at home and aggression abroad.

For China we will consider its early history as a great power, its weakened state and domination by foreign powers, the rise of revolutionary and nationalist movements, overthrow of the Emperor and establishment of a republic, rise of Communism, Japanese invasion and civil war, Communist victory,  the consolidation of power, the Korean War, the “Great Leap Forward”, the Cultural Revolution, the post-Mao economic “miracle,“ and the era of Xi.  


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