Pesty Birds: The top four troublemakers in Seattle - It's not their fault!
Anyone who has ever inadvertently spread a beach towel over goose poop knows we have a bird problem in our area. Canada geese, pigeons, seagulls, starlings - they and their pesty cohorts can make our lives miserable when they raid our garbage cans, defecate on our lawns, invade our attics, or otherwise disturb the evenness of our lives. But each of the bird species we love to hate has its own wonders, its own beauty - and its own lessons to teach us about the interactions between wildlife and humans. Come along with master birder Connie Sidles as she explores these themes. You might find yourself actually coming to like our pesty birds. Birds discussed in this course are Canada Geese, Rock Pigeons, European Starlings and Barred Owls. Connie will discuss four more birds in her next course.
REGISTRATION FOR THIS CLASS IS CLOSED. This class is already in session.
- Dates: Tu, 2/4/2025 - 2/25/2025
- Times: 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
- Instructor: Connie Sidles
- Class recordings will be available.