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Welcome to the Office of Lifelong Education! College for Kids > Professional Certificate Programs > Federal Business Development Program

Federal Business Development Program   

For more information about the Federal Business Development Program, click HERE
If you have any questions, please email
  • Win-Win Customer Engagement
  • Fee: $3,500.00
    Dates: 3/4/2025 - 3/27/2025
    Times: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    Days: Tu Th
    Instructor: Gloria Parker

    Mastering this course will transform the Business Development Professional into a customer engagement expert.  These experts represent the top performers in any firm’s business development force. Upon mastering these four modules, you will understand the anatomy of the federal government, budget priorities, policies, and processes.  We will teach you who to connect with, how to make the connection, and ways to make that all-important first impression and execute a successful customer meeting, which results in wins for both the customer and corporate firm. These methods have been validated by Federal Executives and industry experts across the community. This course includes homework assignments, workshops, and personality assessments for relationship building.

    Course will be held live online via Zoom

    No refund of $95 material fees after 2/18

    Third party payments are accepted. Please contact the email listed above for more information.


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