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Catalog > Wastewater Training

DPD Chlorine Analysis   

This class will focus on how to improve your DPD chlorine analysis. It will provide operator with hands-on skills to answer the questions: How do I know my instrument is working? How do I know that the residual that I measure is real? How good is my technique? This training is based off a curriculum originally developed by the DOH Office of Drinking Water staff to provide increased training as recommended by the Disinfection Data Integrity Project (2015). The yearlong study investigate disinfection measurement, recording, and reporting practices in 33 water treatment plants located in the NW region of Washington State.

0.5 CEU

Meets WA Department of Health Relevancy Criteria for Waterworks Operator Professional Growth.
Meets WA Department of Ecology Criteria for Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators and will earn Wastewater CEU.


DPD Chlorine Analysis

  • Item #: 16272
  • Date: 9/5/2024 - 9/5/2024
  • Time: 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM
  • Location: Virtual - Zoom
  • Fee: $240.00
  • Instructor: Eric Shea

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