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Water Distribution Manager III & IV Math   

This class is for those students who want some extra help with the math problems that are typically found on the Water Distribution Manager III & IV Certification Exams. The class will review some basic math concepts, review the ABC formula sheet, and practice sample math problems. Class topics include: 

  • Review order of operations
  • Dimensional analysis
  • Significant figures
  • ABC formula sheet
  • Road map approach to solving story problems
  • Practice sample math questions
  • How to manipulate formula


This class is held OVER ZOOM the day prior to the WDM III & IV Exam Prep class.  It is not required to take this when registering for WDM III & IV. Students wishing to take both the Math Review and the Certification Exam Prep classes will need to register for each class separately. For details about the WDM III & IV Certification Exam Prep class, click here.

PLEASE NOTE; THIS ONE-DAY MATH CLASS IS HELD OVER ZOOM to allow students from across the state to attend.  THE ACCOMPANYING WDM III & IV CLASS IS HELD IN PERSON at various locations; please carefully note the in-person location of the two-day WDM III & IV class when registering for it.

.6  CEU

Meets WA Department of Health Relevancy Criteria for Waterworks Operator Professional Growth. 



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