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Pumps 101   

Pumps are the heart of water and wastewater systems. This practical, one-day workshop takes the mystery out of hard-to-understand pump theory. Attendees will learn how pumps work, how pumps are used, the essential parts of all pumping systems, and to understand pump terminology. Students will analyze the purpose and functions of key components; learn how to recognize, troubleshoot and correct faulty conditions; and review procedures for replacing important pump components. Practice reading pump curves and review and apply principles of hydraulics and hydrostatics to understand what makes up a pump's total discharge head requirement.

0.7 CEU

Meets WA Department of Health Relevancy Criteria for Waterworks Operator Professional Growth.
Meets WA Department of Ecology Criteria for Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators and will earn Wastewater CEU.




Pumps 101

  • Item #: 40003
  • Date: 12/5/2024 - 12/5/2024
  • Time: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Sessions: 1, Th
  • Location: Auburn Center
  • Room: AC160
  • Address: 1221 D Street NE, Auburn, WA 98002
  • Fee: $240.00
  • Instructor: Eric Shea



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