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ACT Strategy Workshop - FREE   

Free strategy workshops are offered to introduce the exam and provide valuable tips. The Strategy Workshops focus on test mechanics, including test administration and scoring, and provide students with ideas about preparing for the exams, either on their own or through a course like ours.

Join us for an informative introduction to the ACT and SAT. While your college or university of choice may not require the ACT for admissions, scores still play an important part in earning scholarships. You want to study with the best. Come meet with our experienced instructor to learn about the test and pick up a few tricks. We know you'll get a lot out of this free session.

Due to limited space pre-registration is required. 

Follow this link for more information about our comprehensive ACT prep courses.

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Western Kentucky University © 2014
1906 College Heights Blvd.
Bowling Green, KY 42101
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