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Continuing Education Course Catalog > Quest > History & Humanities

David Thompson: Mapping America   

"The greatest land geographer in the world", David Thompson surveyed and mapped more than 3.9 million square kilometers of the North American continent. Find out who he was, how he explored and surveyed, the tools he used, the maps he created, and his impact on the fur trade and western migration. Through discussion and hands-on learning with period artifacts – guided by a presenter both in-character and in-costume – you will gain a deeper understanding of the early exploration of North America.
  • David Thompson: Mapping America 
  • Fee: $39.00
    Dates: 2/26/2025 - 2/26/2025
    Times: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    Days: W
    Sessions: 1
    Location: Main Campus
    Room: MAIN BLDG (D) Classroom 114
    Instructor: Richard Monacelli
    Seats Available: 29 out of 30

    "The greatest land geographer in the world", David Thompson surveyed and mapped more than 3.9 million square kilometers of the North American continent. Find out who he was, how he explored and surveyed, the tools he used, the maps he created, and his impact on the fur trade and western migration. Through discussion and hands-on learning with period artifacts – guided by a presenter both in-character and in-costume – you will gain a deeper understanding of the early exploration of North America.


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