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Continuing Education Course Catalog > Quest

History of a Las Vegas Showgirl    NEW!

Come join professional dancer and authentic Las Vegas showgirl, Patti Jo Amerein, as she takes you through a deep dive into the realities of living life on - and off - the spectacular stages of Las Vegas! Learn what it was like to perform with icons such as Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin, and Frank Sinatra; how the Duke of Edinburgh was a "cheeky" fellow; the art of dancing in three-inch heels wearing forty pounds of feathers and rhinestones; and how all that glitz and glamour landed her on a small farm in Southeastern Washington. From the dedication, drive, and physical demands of being a professional dancer; the behind-the-scenes of the theater; and the stark realities of what the iconic headliners were really like, you'll discover what it truly means to shoot for the moon and land among the stars.
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