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Continuing Education Course Catalog > Quest > --Membership--


Quest is an educational membership institute for active learners 50+ years of age. A current Annual or Quarterly Quest Membership is required to participate in Quest classes. Sign in or create an account, then add a Quest Membership to your Cart. You will then be able to add Quest classes to your Cart.

Quest Membership is FREE to ages 90+! To sign up for a 90+ Quest Membership, give us a call at 509-527-4331.

Quest Membership Benefits: CLICK HERE for a list of current benefits

Quest members must have a current WWCC ASB Student Identification card in order to utilize membership benefits. You may obtain a Student ID card after registering and paying for a Quest membership and class. Bring the receipt and your Student ID Number (SID) to the WWCC Student Activity Center (SAC) - upper floor above the cafeteria in the Main Building D, Room 250 - along with one piece of photo ID (i.e. driver's license). The Student ID Card must be validated each quarter (have a current quarter sticker).

To go back to all Quest class listings, Click Here

  • Annual Quest Membership
  • Fee: $49.00
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    This membership is valid for the 2024-2025 school year, September through June.

  • Fall Quarter Quest Membership
  • Fee: $19.00
     Show Description

    This membership is valid for the Fall 2024 quarter, September through mid-December.


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