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Continuing Education Course Catalog > Community Education > Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness   

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  • Neurographs for Peace of Mind NEW!
  • ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR THIS CLASS IS CLOSED. Please call us at 509-527-4331 to see if registration is still available.
  • Fee: $69.00
    Dates: 7/2/2024 - 8/6/2024
    Times: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    Days: Tu
    Sessions: 6
    Location: Main Campus
    Room: MAIN BLDG (D) Art Room 117

     Show Description

    Required Materials: 

    • First session of class: black ballpoint pen; white paper.
    • Later sessions: 9" x 12" mixed media sketchbook (120 sheets); paint brushes of various sizes; container for water; watercolor paint tray (with paints included); black permanent markers (fine point and standard tip). 



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