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> Business > Course > Entrepreneurship

Coaching Leadership Style    NEW!

This course will focus on what a coaching leader is and how to adopt the coaching leadership style. It will also cover the coaching skills and competencies that organically improve emotional intelligence and take communications and creating actions forward with your team to a deeper level:

  • Thorough understanding of leadership theory and various leadership models/styles
  • Identify and understand your specific leadership style(s)
  • Coaching leadership competencies
  • Communication skills at the coaching level
  • Using the coaching style to lead your team through partnership
  • Relationship between emotional intelligence and coaching leadership
  • Foster individual/team growth through action forward and accountability plans
  • Support your team in recognizing their own radical responsibility
  • Real-life case studies

Whether this course is taught live or virtually, it is designed using interactive, experiential adult learning methods and tools. The course also provides a certification certificate for the proficiencies of a coaching leadership style.


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