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> Business > Course > Communication & Leadership

Mastering Conflict Resolution, Difficult Conversations and Assertive Communications    NEW!

Mastering conflict resolution, difficult conversations and assertive communications are skills all employers want. By the end of the course, you will approach these conversations with your boss, employees, friends and family with confidence and assurance. You will also notice how the relationships in both your professional and personal life become strengthened due to these communication skills.

•Learn and practice how to approach conflict resolution and difficult conversations in both your professional and personal life.

•Identify your conflict style and how the 5 conflict styles are all useful depending on the situation.

•Know the difference between heathy conflict versus unhealthy conflict and how to approach each.

•Learn and practice how to be an assertive communicator and techniques to keep things constructive.

•Set healthy boundaries in your personal and professional environments.

•Learn and receive resource frameworks and approaches to communications that will build your confidence and foster trust in your relationships.


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