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> Computer Skills > Courses > Computer Skills for The Workplace

Make Magic Happen: The POWER of AI to Generate REAL Customers    NEW!

Using the POWER acronym (P – Personalized Traffic, O – Offerings, W - Win their trust, E – Evaluate & Execute, R - Request an action), students will be guided through how to use artificial intelligence to create both physical products, digital downloadable products, and AI-related services that they can sell online.

This course leverages the power of artificial intelligence to help you earn money. In this course, you will learn what AI is and is not. You will engage with AI yourself and create real products with currently available and free AI tools. This workshop will be unlike anything else you have ever attended. With your 'hands-on' experience, you will not just learn about AI, but your will immerse yourself into it. When done, you will have created both physical and virtual products, generated by AI, that you can sell and profit from online.

  • Make Magic Happen: The POWER of AI to Generate REAL Customers
  • Fee: $369.00
    Dates: 2/24/2025 - 4/7/2025
    Times: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
    Days: M
    Sessions: 6
    Building: Sturm Collaboration Campus at Castle Rock
    Instructor: Greg Jameson

    Using the POWER acronym (P – Personalized Traffic, O – Offerings, W - Win their trust, E – Evaluate & Execute, R - Request an action), students will be guided through how to use artificial intelligence to create both physical products, digital downloadable products, and AI-related services that they can sell online.

    This course leverages the power of artificial intelligence to help you earn money. In this course, you will learn what AI is and is not. You will engage with AI yourself and create real products with currently available and free AI tools. This workshop will be unlike anything else you have ever attended. With your 'hands-on' experience, you will not just learn about AI, but your will immerse yourself into it. When done, you will have created both physical and virtual products, generated by AI, that you can sell and profit from online.

    ACC On-Campus Course: Sturm Collaboration Campus

    No class March 17 for Spring Break

    Course Outline

    Instructor Website




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