REGISTRATION FOR THIS CLASS IS CLOSED. This class is already in session.
Why should I learn Tai Chi? Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese martial art and a form of moving meditation, defense and exercise. It has both martial and health aspects and is practiced by millions in China and throughout the world. Tai Chi is also a discipline and a way of life, and introduces focus, balance, harmony, flexibility and yielding to conflicts. The main goal of learning Tai Chi today is to gain the Tai Chi philosophy and to promote good health. This is an on-going, multi-level beginning class with two or more groups. It will take several class sessions to learn the forms. There are both class and group learning activities. You’ll have opportunities to interact and practice in your level group. It is encouraged to help each other in group activities and to practice with a partner outside classes. If you want to refresh your life, lift up your spirit, or try something new and good, sign up for the class!
ACC On-Campus Course: Littleton Campus
No class on 9.19