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> Travel Abroad

Travel Abroad   


WCP’s Academic Study Abroad Program

Our program is intentionally designed to feature guided learning, cultural engagement, program immersion, and experiences to drive global competency development and connect your learning in a variety of ACC academic programs. Fundraising and scholarships are available to help you pay for the trip.

WCP’s Community Travel Abroad Program

WCP provides trips for our community members who want an upscale experience, including beautiful landscapes, ancient architecture, and cultural landmarks. Our trips include customized guided tours, flights, lodging, local food, and cultural experiences.

Please view each of our trips below to see the EF tour link, itinerary, and to register.

Featured Trips

Denim Jeans

Sicily: July 12-20, 2025

COMMUNITY PROGRAM: Spend a Week in Sicily: Palermo, Syracuse & Taormina

Learn More & Register
Denim Jeans

Budapest, Vienna & Prague: October 9-19, 2026

COMMUNITY PROGRAM: Budapest, Vienna & Prague with Trish

Learn More & Register

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