Serving Greater Westchester & Beyond
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PLEASE NOTE:  You must sign in to your account to register for courses or to join a waiting list. Please follow the instructions below.

  • If this is your FIRST visit to our website, you will have to create an account to register for a class, even if you are a returning student. 
  • In addition, if you are registering for someone other than yourself, you must create a separate account with a different user name and a separate order for each person. 
  • If you are just registering for yourself, you can include all of your classes in one cart with just one order.


If you don't yet have an account for this website, follow these steps to create a new account:


When creating your username:

    • •Choose something unique to you.
    • •It must be a minimum of 6 characters.
    • •You may use any combination of letters and numbers, but no spaces.
    • •Username is not case-sensitive.


When creating your password:

    • •Choose something unique to you.
    • •It must be a minimum of 6 characters.
    • •You may use any combination of upper & lower case letters, numbers and special characters (!@#$%^&*-+=|<>?/\).
    • Passwords are case-sensitive and must be entered exactly the same way each time.


Enter your contact information, and click Create Account at the bottom of this page. Then click Submit on the next page to complete the process. Please check your email for confirmation that your account was successfully created.

If you already have an account for this website, enter your username and password below to sign in.

Sign In to Existing Account

Create New Account