Our OLLI volunteers are amazing, and we can’t thank them enough for their efforts in expanding our OLLI program. The Curriculum Committee, chaired by volunteers, researches course opportunities, recruits instructors and selects course proposals. If you have an idea for an interesting class, please bring your ideas to the Curriculum Committee. Contact Curriculum Co-chair Harriet Waas, waas01@comcast.net, or Co- chair Vicki Holley, 1217vjholley@gmail.com.
Activities, clubs and field trips are provided by creative volunteers who have an area of interest and are willing to organize these clubs or activities. If you have a special interest, please let us know, and we will help you share it with other OLLI members! Contact 1st VP Debbie Justice-Obley, DrDJO@yahoo.com.
The OLLI catalog and other OLLI information and promotion materials are designed, written and edited by volunteers along with the staff. Volunteers also consult on and execute public relations efforts in coordination with the director to promote membership and participation in OLLI. Have skills in this area? Let us know. Contact Communications and Marketing Committee Chair Fran Conaway, franconaway32312@gmail.com.
Volunteers also are responsible for philanthropic and fundraising campaigns. Look for information about ways YOU can help make OLLI even better! In addition, volunteers manage course and annual surveys, and derive data to support planning and operations. Members of the Advisory Council work throughout the year to plan for the future of OLLI. Class hosts assist our instructors to make classes run smoothly. All these volunteer efforts provide an amazing OLLI experience for you. And if you have any suggestions or ideas on expanding volunteer opportunities, or if you wish to volunteer for OLLI, please contact Marsha VandenDooren at mvandendooren@comcast.net or better yet, please complete our questionnaire by selecting: The Volunteer Questionnaire!
Call for Class Hosts
If you’ve taken classes in-person in past semesters, you’re aware that one of the important ways OLLI welcomes new and returning OLLI members is by having a host for each class. They greet students, make sure attendance lists are maintained, support instructors as needed, make announcements and serve as a conduit for messages from students to OLLI administration and leadership. Being a class host gives you the opportunity to get to know your classmates and provide an important service to them. Class Host training will be Thursday, February 13, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. at PeoplesSouth Bank on 2920 Kerry Forest Parkway. Ample parking is available. If you are interested or would like more information, contact Kent Putnam, putnamkr47@gmail.com.
Class Hosts are needed for all in-person classes.