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Pedestrian/Bicycle Crash Investigation - Level I   

Pedestrian and bicycle crashes are one of the most frequent types of injurious crashes in urban areas. Because of their unique nature, special techniques are required to investigate and reconstruct these incidents.

This course addresses the special dynamics involved in pedestrian and bicycle traffic crashes. From reaction times to victim injury analysis to environmental factors, you’ll learn to recognize and interpret the evidence and correlate it with the collision sequence.

Topics Include

  • Pedestrian crash problems
  • Pedestrian impact dynamics
  • Types of data: objective, subjective and performance
  • Collection of data
  • Pedestrian conspicuity
  • Reaction time/human factors
  • Reconstruction techniques
  • Bicycle collision analysis
  • Hit and run investigation techniques


Law enforcement and private traffic crash investigators, claims adjusters, engineers, attorneys, safety officers, military investigative personnel, animators and graphic designers

Florida Students: FDOT grant-funded seats are available to Florida sworn law enforcement personnel (federal and military law enforcement personnel in Florida do not qualify).

Course Length

40 hours


You must have completed IPTM’s Advanced Traffic Crash Investigation course or its equivalent.

Related Courses

ACTAR Information

IPTM's Pedestrian/Bicycle Crash Investigation - Level I course is eligible for 40 ACTAR CEUs.

What to Bring

  • Scientific calculator

What Our Students Are Saying

  • “The instructor had a lot of knowledge. He was willing to stay longer if a student still had questions.” – B.H.
  • “Very informative and detailed. Everything covered in the course was very specific to the subject matter. I found this course extremely helpful.” – J.G.
  • “Instructors took the time to explain concepts in detail. Other courses are only three days, which I don’t think is enough time to cover the needed material.” – M.B.
  • “The class was absolutely a blast! The instructors were very professional and VERY knowledgeable with the course material. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire week of instruction. The instructors were very helpful and taught in a way we could all understand. 2 thumbs up.” – Anon.
  • “I am always apprehensive with math related courses but Ken was able to add a comfort level that enabled me to be less anxious. He made the material relevant and relatable.” – Ofc. J.L.
  • “Ken Harmon brought a great level of experience to the class. He was a wonderful instructor and made the topics interesting to learn.” – Ptl. Ofc. K.H.
  • “Phenomenal instructors with excellent teaching and interaction habits, practical knowledge, and dedication to the students, material, and topic.” – Ptl. C.W.
  • “Excellent course with practical examples to relate to real life situations. Outstanding knowledge of topic.” – Capt. R.H.








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