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Course Catalog > Uniform Patrol

Field Training Officer (Online)   

This is an independent study, self-paced course.

Using the San Jose Model as its core, this course features the “best practice” training and evaluation process for new law enforcement officers that is being used by public safety agencies across the country and around the world. The San Jose Model is also the only FTO program to date that has been successfully defended in Federal Court.

This FTO course is the online version of our classroom Field Training Officer course. Just as in our classroom course, this online FTO course version delivers an accelerated, hard-hitting, and fast-paced experience that will prepare you to successfully train and mentor a new recruit.

You will learn about their specific FTO duties and responsibilities while working with a new officer. Trainee shift documentation and evaluation procedures will be instructed through discussion and practical exercises. All of the FTO Program’s mandatory forms will be illustrated and discussed. FTO Program rules and regulations will be reviewed, and the program’s structure will be analyzed.

Students will be provided with a downloadable packet of information and will be able to print their own copies of the instructor’s PowerPoint presentation and FTO Program forms.

Topics Include

  • FTO program operational concepts and philosophies
  • The roles / responsibilities of the Field Training Officer
  • The Trainees work responsibilities during the FTO Program
  • Documenting your trainee throughout the shift using the “Daily Field Notes” form
  • Mandatory FTO Program documents
  • The FTO Program’s structure
  • Handling calls with your Trainee
  • End-of-shift and end-of-week FTO procedures
  • Adult learning, memory, and how stress impacts your Trainee’s performance
  • FTO Program quizzes
  • Things you must know about FTO Program-related legal concerns
  • Concerns about your Trainee’s driving
  • Managing difficult Trainee situations
  • Working with “lateral” officers
  • The "Recruit Training Checklist"
  • "Daily Observation Report"
  • The "Standardized Evaluation Guidelines"
  • The D.O.R.’s “Rating Scale Application”
  • Common FTO grading mistakes
  • The “N.R.T.” designation
  • The “do and do not” aspects of writing D.O.R. narrative evaluations
  • Remedial Training
  • Common FTO Program rules
  • The FTO Program chain-of-command
  • Successful FTOs


Sworn law enforcement officers, including patrol, corrections, highway patrol, Federal agencies, courts, state officers, wildlife officers, law enforcement rangers, and military police personnel. Non-sworn law enforcement employees, including telecommunications, records, and administrative staff. New FTOs who have not yet trained a new officer or are training new officers but have not attended a formal FTO training course. FTOs who have been training new officers and whose FTO training was more than the “gold standard” of five years ago. Inactive FTOs. Shift supervisors responsible for the daily supervision of FTOs and Trainees. Watch Commanders unfamiliar with FTO Program processes. New FTO Program Managers who once worked with the FTO Program and wish to use this course as a refresher. New FTO Program Managers who have never worked with the FTO Program and need to learn about the program’s basic to manage their agency’s program more effectively. Agency Training Officers.

This course is restricted to sworn and non-sworn law enforcement personnel.

Course Length

20 hours

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Online Details

Online environment: This is an independent study, self-paced course. Although there are no specific times that you must be online, you will be required to complete assignments by the deadlines posted within the course. Instructors are available to answer your questions during each module via the help forum.

The course must be completed within 30 days upon registration. Once the 30-day period has ended, you will no longer have access.

Computer requirements: You will complete the course entirely online. A dependable broadband internet connection with a Windows or Mac computer and Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download) are required.

What Our Students Are Saying

  • “I thoroughly enjoyed the online course. It was nice to be able to proceed as quickly or slowly as I needed. Having the PowerPoint to go along with the video really helped me pace myself.” – Ofc. A.B.
  • The course materials are thoughtful and well organized. They provided relevant information and will no doubt help me be a great FTO." – Ofc. C.N.
  • Class materials were extremely helpful." – Ofc. B.D.
  • "I appreciated the go at your own pace of the course." – Ofc. M.A.

This course is not eligible for certificate discounts.


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