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> FIRST Tech Challenge

FIRST Tech Challenge   

FIRST Tech Challenge - NY Excelsior Region (NY EX)

MVCC is honored to be the FIRST Tech Challenge Partner Organization for robotics teams in the NY Excelsior Region (NY EXC). Every FIRST tournament is an incredibly educational and inspiring experience and we look forward to working with all of our teams each season!  

These events are closed to non-NY Excelsior teams so that we may serve our many NY EX regional teams. (Please contact us if this applies: Exceptions may be made for Canadian teams nearby or other teams who may not have any other tournament opportunities.)



  • Open registration started 11/1/2023.
  • You may register for NO MORE THAN 2 Qualifiers at this time.
  • To register for 3 Qualifiers at this time, you’ll need to include a December qualifier.


Q: Can my team register for three qualifiers now?

A: Teams who include a December Qualifier have the added perk to register/waitlist for 3 qualifiers at this time.  If you are not registering for a December qualifier, please only register/waitlist for 2 qualifiers.


Q:  Our team wants to participate in 3 qualifiers, but our team is not able to compete in a December qualifier, so how can I register for 3?

A: Teams may be able to compete in up to 3 of our Qualifiers. To allow as many teams as possible to participate, requests for a third event will be compiled through a Google form. Coaches will be sent the form link to add your team to the “waitlist” in an email with the Subject: “!FTC Info REQUIRED & Waitlist Form”. Coaches will be notified as we try to place teams in their 3rd event, and registration and payment will be taken at that time.


Q: The qualifier(s) I want to register my team for is full, which waitlist do I use?

A: For your first two qualifiers, please use the waitlist option through our registration system or by calling 315-792-5300. To waitlist for your third qualifier preference, please use the Google form that you will receive in an email from Tina Betz with the Subject: “!FTC Info REQUIRED & Waitlist Form”.


Q: Where can I find more FIRST Tournament registration information?

A: See all the important Tournament Registration Procedures through the “Teams Register Here” button at the top of our FIRST@MVCC Events webpage.


Onward and Upward, NY Excelsior PROUD!


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