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Warp and Weft: Introduction to Floor Loom Weaving   

Textiles are integral to our lives, yet so often overlooked! Creating one’s own cloth empowers expression through color, texture, and design. In this course, we will explore these elements through weaving on a four-shaft floor loom. Students will learn the principles of handweaving, including designing a project, preparing a warp, dressing a floor loom, and weaving their own cloth. After this course, students will gain an understanding of how woven cloth is created, how to read a pattern draft (the language of weaving), and use basic weave structures. Each student will create a finished wool scarf, an expression of their own aesthetics. 

Required Tools

  • Pencil
  • Calculator (smart phone works well!)
  • Colored Pencils
  • Flexible tape measure
  • Sharp pair of scissors


  • Warp and Weft: Introduction to Floor Loom Weaving
    1/9/2025 - 1/12/2025
  • THIS CLASS IS FULL. Please click the "Add to Wait List" button below 

  • Tuition:  $360.00

  • Materials Fee:  $50.00 - payable at registration


  • Instructor:  Christine Novotny

  • Capacity Remaining:  -1 (Negative number indicates number of people on the wait list)



  • Dates:  1/9/2025 - 1/12/2025

  • Times:  Days 1-3: 9am-5pm; Day 4: 9am-noon



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