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French 2   

Each week we will read from George Simenon's Le Chien Jaune, featuring Inspector Maigret. By dissecting grammar and usage, we further our facility with the French language. Plus, we expand our vocabulary!
  • French 2
  • Instructor: Leanne Ulvang (she/her/elle)
    Dates: 1/6/2025 - 3/10/2025
    Days: M
    Times: 2:05 PM - 3:00 PM
    Sessions: 9
    Location: Online Learning
    Room: Link to be Provided
    Fee for À La Carte Members: $55.00
    Fee for Unlimited Members: Included
    Each week we will read from George Simenon's Le Chien Jaune, featuring Inspector Maigret. By dissecting grammar and usage, we further our facility with the French language. Plus, we expand our vocabulary!

    The French edition of the book is available at Barnes & Noble,, Amazon, and other booksellers. The class will pick up where the fall 2024 class left off. New students this term will want to catch up before class starts.

    This class will be live only and not recorded.

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