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Gentle Energizing Movement, Breathing, and Relaxation   

Let go of stress and come home to yourself. Over millennia, the sages of the Himalayan Yoga Tradition developed highly effective methods of movement, relaxation, and meditation. In this study group you will learn foundational practices from the Himalayan Yoga Tradition. Each session will have three phases: gentle movement and breathing, deep relaxation, and meditation. Members can expect to leave this class refreshed. Please note that the movements taught in this study group are not acrobatics. They are suitable for people with no yoga experience. If you've attended yoga classes and found them to be too strenuous or otherwise challenging, this study group is for you.
  • Gentle Energizing Movement, Breathing, and Relaxation
  • Instructor: Randall Krause, OLLI at University of Arizona
    Dates: 9/19/2024 - 11/21/2024
    Days: Th
    Times: 9:10 AM - 10:30 AM
    Sessions: 9
    Location: Online Learning
    Room: Link to be Provided
    Fee for À La Carte Members: $55.00
    Fee for Unlimited Members: Included
     Show Description

    This class does not meet October 3. This is an OLLI at University of Arizona class. Arizona does not observe Daylight Savings Time. After November 3, 2024, this class will begin at 8:10am Pacific time.

    This class from OLLI at the University of Arizona will be recorded. OLLI-UA recordings can take up to a week after the class meeting to become available.

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