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The Meaning of Life    NEW!

We will explore philosophical questions related to the meaning of life and the good life in an open discussion led by an experienced philosophy instructor. What is a good life? What would a meaningless life look like? What gives meaning to lives? What does it mean for a life to have meaning?
  • The Meaning of Life
  • Instructor: Andrew Lavin (he/him/his)
    Dates: 1/24/2025 - 3/14/2025
    Days: F
    Times: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
    Sessions: 8
    Location: The Social Chico
    Room: Gordon 1
    Fee for À La Carte Members: $55.00
    Fee for Unlimited Members: Included
    We will explore philosophical questions related to the meaning of life and the good life in an open discussion led by an experienced philosophy instructor. What is a good life? What would a meaningless life look like? What gives meaning to lives? What does it mean for a life to have meaning?

Some Title