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Reading Poetry for Inspiration and Enrichment   

Each week the class will read poems by an individual poet, a collection of poems on a specific subject, or a collection of poems in a specific style. A wide range of poets and poetry will be presented, from classic to contemporary. We will discuss poetry from the perspective that the poet creates the work but the reader activates it.
  • Reading Poetry for Inspiration and Enrichment
  • Instructor: Kate Foley
    Dates: 1/7/2025 - 3/11/2025
    Days: Tu
    Times: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
    Sessions: 10
    Location: Online Learning
    Room: Link to be Provided
    Fee for À La Carte Members: $55.00
    Fee for Unlimited Members: Included
    Each week the class will read poems by an individual poet, a collection of poems on a specific subject, or a collection of poems in a specific style. A wide range of poets and poetry will be presented, from classic to contemporary. We will discuss poetry from the perspective that the poet creates the work but the reader activates it.

    This class will be live only and not recorded.

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