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Welcome to OLLI at Chico State! > Classes > How to Register

How to Register   

Registering online is an easy two- or three-step process depending on your OLLI at Chico State membership status. You must be a current OLLI member in order to register for classes.

Current Members

If you are a current OLLI at Chico State member whose membership includes the upcoming term:


  1. Visit the Classes page and add the classes you want to take to your cart.
  2. When you’ve chosen all your classes, check out.


You must be signed in to your account to complete the class registration process.

New & Past Members

If you are a new member (have never taken a class with us) or a returning member whose membership has expired:



  1. Purchase or Renew your membership.
  2. Visit the Classes page and add the classes you want to take to your cart.
  3. When you've chosen all your classes, check out.


Not Sure You're A Current Member


Sign In to your account. Your membership status is listed on the My Membership Page.

Forgot Your Password?
Visit the Password Reset page and follow the instructions.

Still Have Questions

If you need any help registering or resetting your password, call us at 530-898-6679.


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