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Welcome to OLLI at Chico State! > About Us > Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct   

OLLI seeks to meet the needs of an engaged learning community and maximize the learning experience for all members. We promote a positive, educational culture. Please respect the rights of instructors and members through active listening and thoughtful discussion, especially if you are not in agreement with others’ opinions. Monopolizing discussions, undermining the instructor’s credibility, and being disrespectful in words or actions will not be tolerated.

OLLI Basics
Non-Discrimination and Non-Harassment Policy
Good Digital Citizenship

OLLI Basics

OLLI is a University-sponsored program dedicated to promoting learning and social engagement opportunities through classes, special events, volunteerism, and field trips. In keeping with this mission, OLLI staff seeks to balance the rights and needs of its members with the responsibility of each individual member to support the needs of an engaged learning community.

  • Mutual respect and courtesy should be maintained at all times.
  • Open discussions are welcome and encouraged.
  • OLLI volunteer instructors, members, and guests will not engage in political campaigning or advocacy in OLLI classes, presentations, or events.
  • Classes will not promote opinions on political positions, parties, or candidates; classes exploring facts and historical context are welcome.
  • Classes will not promote sectarian religious viewpoints; classes exploring historical cultures and traditions are welcome.
  • Advertising of OLLI classes and programs will be coordinated through the OLLI office and not handled independently without permission from the program director.
  • Classes will not be used to sell or promote products or services or to generate client lists.

Should you encounter any problems or concerns, you are encouraged to contact the OLLI office at 530-898-6679 or email

Non-Discrimination and Non-Harassment Policy

We welcome people of all of the following non-exhaustive list of groups:

  • Racial identities
  • Genders
  • Sexualities
  • Marital statuses
  • Socioeconomic classes
  • Mental and physical abilities
  • Body shapes and sizes
  • Education levels
  • Citizenship statuses
  • National origins
  • Political beliefs
  • Religions
  • Veteran statuses

Harassment on the basis of any of these aspects of a person’s identity, whether actual or perceived, will not be tolerated. If you experience any such harassment, please report it to the OLLI office at or 530-898-6679.

Good Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship is a term used to define the appropriate and responsible use of technology among users. When we share materials via PowerPoint, handouts, or Zoom recordings, for example, it is important to be transparent:

  1. OLLI requests permission from lecturers and/or guest presenters before sharing class recordings. This request is made on the course proposal form and determines if the class will be recorded and, if so, how widely recordings will be distributed.
  2. Class presenters, including volunteer instructors and special guests, should reference the creator(s) for photographs, quotations, and/or art used in OLLI class presentations, e.g. in PowerPoint slides and/or printed materials.
  3. OLLI Zoom links for online classes should not be shared with individuals who are not enrolled in the class, including individuals in the same household.
  4. To protect member privacy, email communications from OLLI staff and instructors sent to multiple members will use the bcc option so email addresses are not visible to recipients.

See also the Policy on ChatGPT and Other Generative AI Tools.

Additional Policies


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