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Welcome to OLLI at Chico State! > Calendar + Events > Social Meetups

Social Meetups   

Social meetups are an opportunity to gather with other OLLI members between terms.

Current social meetup session: November 17 - January 5.

Next social meetup session: March 16 - April 20.

Social Meetup Frequently Asked Questions

What are social meetups?
When are social meetups?
How can I find out about social meetups?
Why am I not getting social meetup emails?
What if I don't have an email address?
Can anyone suggest a social meetup?
Where can I have a social meetup?
Can you suggest some ideas for a meetup?
Are there restrictions on the activities we can do at a social meetup?
Do I have to have a Zoom account to suggest a Zoom meetup?
What if I schedule a meetup but can't go?
What else do I need to know about social meetups?

What are social meetups?

Social meetups are an opportunity to gather with other OLLI members between terms. You might join other OLLI members to make some art, have a conversation, or knit together – in person or on Zoom.

Social meetups are member-led: you decide what you want to do with other OLLI members. The OLLI office will send out the calendar of meetups each week to all members. Want to introduce a friend to OLLI? Bring them to a meetup to get a taste of what OLLI is all about.

When are social meetups?

Social meetups take place between class terms. They can start as early as the day after classes end and take place as late as the day before classes begin.

How can I find out about social meetups?

The calendar of meetups is emailed out to all members each week.

Social meetups are announced only by email. Email allows us to let people know about social meetups with a short turnaround time, and that means members can plan meetups to take place the next week.

Why am I not getting social meetup emails?

Social meetup emails are sent only to current members. Check your membership on the website or contact us at or 530-898-6679 to find out if your membership is current.

If you have unsubscribed from any of our emails, including our Bits & Bytes e-newsletter and other special announcements, you won't get social meetup emails. You can resubscribe here.

If you're a current member and you haven't unsubscribed and you still aren't getting emails, contact us at or 530-898-6679 and we'll help figure out why.

What if I don't have an email address?

If you do not have an email address and would like to get one, we encourage you to contact the Butte County Library Access to Technology program at 530-552-5461. The Access to Technology program is specifically designed for adults 60 years and older and disabled adults of any age. The program can help you learn how to use email.

Can anyone suggest a social meetup?

Any current OLLI member can organize a meetup. Fill out our form before noon on Friday for your meetup to be in the next week's email.

Our volunteer social meetup committee also organizes meetups. Email us at to join the committee.

Where can I have a social meetup?

Social meetups can take place at The Social Chico, at another business, or on Zoom. For liability reasons, we cannot hold social meetups at private homes or in parks or other outdoor locations.

Can you suggest some ideas for a meetup?

Yes, we can! Here is a short list of ideas you can use (or come up with your own):


  • Tour Bidwell Mansion
  • Draw, knit, weave, and chat
  • Play checkers, chess, cribbage, or other competitive or cooperative board or card games
  • Put together a jigsaw puzzle together
  • Recipe exchange
  • Happy hour drinks
  • Themed show and tell


Are there restrictions on the activities we can do at a social meetup?

Yes, there are some activities OLLI cannot sponsor as a social meetup.


  • For liability reasons, we cannot have hikes, bike rides, or other outside activities as social meetups.
  • For copyright reasons, we cannot host TV show or movie viewings at The Social Chico or on Zoom as social meetups. You can organize a social meetup to see a movie at a theater.
  • OLLI does not support or oppose any political party, candidate, or political issue. Meetups must not be focused on any one political party, candidate, or position.
  • OLLI does not promote sectarian religious viewpoints. Meetups cannot be focused on any particular religion or religious practice.
  • OLLI does not sponsor commercial activities. Meetups cannot be used to sell or promote products or services or to generate client lists.


Do I have to have a Zoom account to suggest a Zoom meetup?

No. You can use the OLLI Party Line to host a meetup. When you fill out the form to suggest a meetup, you'll have the option to choose the Party Line as your Zoom information.

What if I schedule a meetup but can't go?

If you can't attend the meetup you suggested, that's okay. We know things happen.


  • If your meetup is at The Social Chico, we recommend you coordinate with a friend who also planned to attend so they can open the classroom for other members.
  • If your meetup is at another business, other members can still attend and spend time together.
  • If your meetup is on Zoom using the OLLI Party Line, other members can still attend and spend time together.
  • If your meetup is on Zoom using your own account, please contact the OLLI office at 530-898-6679 or so we can let people know if they call with questions.


What else do I need to know about social meetups?

These are designed to be fun and low-effort for everyone. You don't need to spend a lot of time planning or preparing for a social meetup. Just show up and enjoy spending time with other OLLI members!

If you take photos at a meetup, we'd love to see them! We want to feature our social meetups on Facebook and in our Bits & Bytes e-newsletter, and photos of real meetups help us do that. You can email your photos to


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