Upcoming Events
Winter Community Speaker Series
Join us to learn about the Local Master Plan on Aging from Cathryn Carkhuff and Carolyn Nava. We all want to age with access to high-quality, affordable healthcare, housing, transportation, and support services that preserve our dignity and quality of life. The Local Master Plan for Aging is at the forefront of state and national efforts to collaboratively address the needs of older adults and people with disabilities. Join us for an up-close look at the history and development of the plan and learn ways for you to join and stay connected with local plan activities.
Wednesday, March 5, 3-4:30pm
Free and open to the public! A hybrid event – join us in Bradley 2 at The Social Chico or on Zoom. Check the OLLI website the day of the event for the Zoom link.
Spring '25 Class Previews
Learn about spring classes, plan your schedule, and hear from some of the volunteer instructors who will lead spring classes. Free and open to the public!
Live-Online Class Preview
Wednesday, March 26, 10:30-11:30am
Check the OLLI website the day of the event for the Zoom link.
In-Person Class Preview
Thursday, March 27, 10:30-Noon
Presentation begins at 11am
Chico Masonic Family Center, 1110 W. East Avenue, Chico
Free parking, coffee and snacks.
In Case You Missed It
Winter '25 Class Previews
Learn about winter classes, plan your schedule, and hear from some of the volunteer instructors who will lead winter classes. Watch the Live-Online Winter Class Preview recording now.
Travel Information Session
Want to know more about our upcoming trips? Watch the recording of our travel information session to learn more, complete with captivating slides of the areas we'll be visiting.
Chico State Artist in Residence Talk
Chico State Artist in Residence and poet/storyteller/musician and artivist (art+activist) David Gonzalez will join us for a multi-media romp on creativity and social action. Watch the recording now.
Fall Community Speaker Series
Local nonprofit expert Laura Cootsona joined us for a talk entitled Community Nonprofits: The Lifeblood of Our Community. Watch the recording now.
Annual Business and Town Hall Meeting
Learn more about how OLLI operates. Watch the recording now.
OLLI 2023-24 Annual Report (pdf)
OLLI 2024-25 Budget (pdf)
Spring Community Speaker Series
Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP) President and CEO Seana O’Shaughnessy joined us to talk about CHIP's work. Watch the recording now.
Winter Community Speaker Series
Chico Enterprise-Record Editor Mike Wolcott joined us for a discussion on the inner workings of our local daily paper, a bit of history of the paper, and the future of newspapers. Watch the recording now.
Fall Community Speaker Series
Nationally acclaimed and award-winning author Brendan Slocumb joined us for a conversation about his breakout novel The Violin Conspiracy. The conversation was facilitated by Chico State Dean of Humanities and Fine Arts Tracy Butts. Watch the recording now.
Spring '23 Virtual Play Festival
The OLLI Virtual Play Festival is now available to watch online at any time! The festival's four short comedies were written, directed, and performed by OLLI members from Chico, Rhode Island, New York, North Carolina, Alabama, and Colorado!
Heist or Hussy? (by Debbie Vermette) It’s bad enough that Nan wonders what her husband is involved with—a Heist or a Hussy—but then busy-body Louise interferes and makes everything worse.
Back to the Office (by Joan Goodreau) You know those co-workers who are strange? Kind of annoying? But the Boss thinks they’re great? That’s what two work-at-home employees face when they have to go back to the office.
The Perils of the Pink Envelope (by the Writing Short Plays class: April Gausemel, Joan Goodreau, Marcia Gordon, Judith Gropp, Pam Loyd, Leanne Ulvang, Debbie Vermette) A behind-the-scenes spoof of amateur actors putting on a play. Naturally everything goes wrong—forgotten lines, missed entrances, bad acting, making up new scenes—driving the poor director to drastic actions.
Channel 12: On-the-Spot News (by Pam Loyd) Small-town Channel 12 News reporter Bill Bluster is sure he's found a story that will give him his Big Break. So as his investigation goes further, why does he keep looking so foolish?
OLLI at University of Arizona Speaker Series
Join OLLI-UA for their exclusive offerings for members of the national Osher network. Check out their collection of recorded lectures.