Summer 2024

  • Term Dates: June 3–28
  • Deadline for Course Proposals: Mar. 1, 4pm
  • Course Guide on website: Apr. 19
  • Course Guide in homes: week of Apr. 22
  • Course Requests: Apr. 22-May 6, 4pm
  • Allocation: May 7-9
  • Additional Registration begins: May 10, 3pm

Fall 2024

  • Term Dates: Oct. 7–Nov. 22
  • Deadline for Course Proposals: June 21, 4pm
  • Course Guide on website: week of Aug. 9
  • Course Guide in homes: week of Aug. 12
  • Course Requests: Aug. 12–Aug. 26, 4pm
  • Allocation: Aug. 27-29
  • Additional Registration begins Aug. 30 3pm

Winter 2024

  • Term Dates: Jan. 20–Mar. 7
  • More info coming soon
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Courses and Membership > Arts

10786 Time Present and Time Past: Reading T.S. Eliot's "Four Quartets"   

“We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time.”

In this course, we will read and discuss T.S. Eliot's last (and perhaps greatest) poetic work, “Four Quartets.” Written during World War II in London, where Eliot was an air-raid warden during the Blitz, these four poems meditate on time, language, art, life, and finding meaning in a chaotic world. We will also explore these poems in light of the recent release of Eliot’s revealing love letters to Emily Hale.

Recommended reading: "Four Quartets" by T.S. Eliot, any edition.




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