Frequently Asked Questions from our members and guests.
Don’t see your question here? Contact us via email or call our office at 907-474-6607.
General - Account Issues
How do I reset my password?
On the Sign In page, click “Reset my Password” under the Sign In to Existing Account block on the left. Enter your Email and Username (they could be different!) and then click on the button Reset My Password. Directions will be sent to the email associated with your student account. If that email does not match, or another member shares an email with your account, contact the OLLI office to reset your password manually.
Help! My username isn’t working. How do I fix it?
Most OLLI member accounts have their email set as their username. You can always contact the OLLI office to verify or change your username!
I don’t have a membership. Can I still sign up for courses?
While there are some courses that don’t require a membership and are open to the public, all other courses do. You will need to create an account and purchase a membership to start adding courses to your cart.
I can’t remember my login information. Do I need to make a new account?
If you forgot both your username and password, or are unsure if you have an account or not, please give us a call at 907-474-6607 or email us at with your name. We can verify your account or create a new one over the phone.
How do I make a student account?
On the Sign In page, under the Create New Account block on the right, enter your unique Username, Password, and Email that you wish to use for your student account. After you fill in the fields, click on the button "Create Account". A secure window will open to ask for additional information (such as Mailing Address, Preferred Name, Birthday, Phone Number, etc). Note: If you share this email address with a spouse on a different account, you will need to use a different one.
What is the main form of communication?
All course notifications, recordings, announcements, cancellations, newsletter, and handouts are sent by EMAIL. We also have a Facebook page!
Why am I not receiving emails from UAF-OLLI?
Emails sent from our registration system can be flagged as possible spam. To whitelist, watch this short video by dottotech on Youtube!
General - Website
The link I clicked doesn’t work and the page is broken. How do I fix it?
Email us at and tell us about the broken link, including what you did to get there and what you clicked on. We can troubleshoot and hopefully fix the error! Screenshots of the error message will also help.
Registration - Request Period
How do I set my priorities for classes?
After you complete your cart checkout, go to the homepage. Under the “Member Resources” box, click on the link “My Course Priorities”. You must have completed the checkout process for registration to see the courses and prioritize them on that page, otherwise it will be blank.
Why does it say “Request Course”? Why can’t I register instead?
During the Request Period, it’s exactly what it sounds like: you are requesting a seat in the course you want to take! This means you do not have a guaranteed seat in the course, and you are letting us know you’re interested!
I can’t find the button “Add to Cart”. Why isn’t it there?
You cannot register for courses during the Request Period of registration. After the lottery runs and results are sent, if you cannot see the “Add to Cart” button still, you may not be signed in.
I’m done signing up for courses and the total due is $0.00 but the fees for each course is $20.00. Why am I not being charged or able to make a payment?
During the Request Period, you are not charged for any courses because you are simply requesting a seat in the course. After the lottery runs and you get into the course, you can then pay!
Do I need to pay for my courses immediately?
Nope! You can actually wait to pay until closer to the start of the semester. But you do have to pay for a course by the first scheduled meeting- if you do not pay, you will be dropped from the course.
Registration - Lottery Closure
What is the lottery system? Would I still be able to get into my classes?
For any courses that filled up during the Request Period, we will run a “lottery” to randomly select students who requested the course to fill the seats of the course. This is a two day process, and registration is closed during that time. After the lottery runs, results are sent out by email and show the status of the course: Waitlisted, Registered, or Registered Not Paid.
Registration - Open Registration
What is the last day to register for courses?
After the lottery runs, registration stays open for the semester and is considered first-come, first-served for any remaining open seats in a course.
I got my results from the lottery. What do the course statuses mean?
When you get your results, the following statuses will show next to the course number and title:
Waitlisted; this means you are not in the course and are on the waitlist. You will be notified if a spot opens and you have been added to the course. If you are on the waitlist, you cannot attend the course.
Registered Not Paid; this means you were able to get into a course you requested, but we have not received payment for it. You can pay online by logging into our website or contact the OLLI office to pay over the phone.
Registered; this means you were able to get into a course you requested, and your course tuition has been paid. You are ready to go to class!
What is the difference between the unlimited and regular memberships?
Visit our Membership page to learn more about the differences, benefits, and pricing of our yearly memberships!
Can I upgrade my regular membership to the unlimited membership?
Yes! At any time during the semester, you can upgrade your Regular Membership to an Unlimited Membership. To upgrade your membership, contact the OLLI office. The price of the Regular Membership ($50) will be applied as credit, and you would be responsible to pay the remaining balance.
How long does the membership last?
Our membership runs with a fiscal year system; starting July 1st, the membership will last until June 30th the next year. This covers both Fall and Spring semesters, and any Day Trips happening in April - June.
Are there scholarships available?
Our scholarships are granted on a by-need basis, and are completely confidential. A scholarship will cover membership and a credit of two courses for use in the program year. Contact the OLLI office or stop by the OLLI office today!
Is there a minimum age for OLLI students to be members and take courses?
Our program is designed for adults 50 or older, which may include retired, veteran, or returning/non-traditional students. Members come from all backgrounds and experiences!
There’s no location listed in the catalog, where is the course being held?
Unless otherwise noted in the course description, in-person courses are held at the University Park Building, 1000 University Ave. A parking permit is required to park around the building; you can purchase one from the OLLI office for $10 or pay at the parking kiosk per 20 minutes.
I want to drop from a course I registered for. How can I do that?
You cannot drop from a course on your own; contact the OLLI office with your name and the course you wish to drop, and they will process your request.
I am waitlisted in a course. How will I know if I get into the course?
You will be notified by email if space becomes available.
What if I miss a course meeting?
While there are no repercussions of missing a course meeting or two, it would be beneficial to notify the OLLI office of any known excused absences- that way they can try to connect you with any materials to make up for the course you missed. Attending courses is how our members meet each other and learn new things!
Can I use the Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver for OLLI courses?
In simple words, no. Since we are a non-credit social program, our courses do not count towards a degree or can be audited for university credit. While UAF does offer a tuition waiver for adults aged 65 and older, it is only to be used for qualifying accredited courses taken through the University of Alaska. You can learn more information about that waiver here.
Refund Policy
I paid for membership and courses, but something happened and I can’t attend them. Can I get a refund?
Memberships are non-refundable, and to refund courses, it depends on the start date. If it is more than a week prior to the start of the course, you are able to receive a refund.
I paid for a parking permit, but something happened and I couldn't attend my courses or use it. Can I get a refund?
Parking permits are non-refundable, and are considered a donation to our program if they are never picked up after purchase.
COVID Policy
I attend in-person courses and found out I tested positive for COVID. Can I still attend?
No. Once you test positive for COVID, you are required to notify the OLLI office and stay home to monitor your symptoms. After a 10-day quarantine period, if you are no longer symptomatic and you test negative, you can return to taking courses. If you instead test positive, the quarantine period starts over and you repeat until you get a negative test result.
UAF-OLLI encourages all members to be mindful of their health and for others who may be immunocompromised; if you do not feel well, please stay at home.