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INVEST TODAY IN YOUR TOMORROW! Welcome to UA Little Rock ExtendedEducation! Browse our available Courses and Trainingsusing the categories below. Just click on the subcategory to see what is available. Or, perform a key word search by usingthe search tool located at the top right of the page. > Self-sustainability > In-person Short Courses

Success With Backyard Chickens   

Jimmy Parks (and friends) will teach from personal experience about managing chickens and will cover incubating eggs, hatching and raising chicks, feeding and watering, collecting eggs, selling eggs, trading chickens, butchering birds, daily care, and legal/zoning/permitting information related to chickens in urban areas. Jimmy has a doctorate degree in Public Health and practiced nursing for 20 years. He is the founder and managing director of Urban Patchwork, a community garden network in Pulaski County. He raises chickens on a small farm in Rose City and helps other people get started raising chickens in backyard settings.


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UA Little Rock Extended Education

2801 South University Avenue
Fine Arts Building, Suite 164
Little Rock, AR 72204

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