Extended Education
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INVEST TODAY IN YOUR TOMORROW! Welcome to UA Little Rock ExtendedEducation! Browse our available Courses and Trainingsusing the categories below. Just click on the subcategory to see what is available. Or, perform a key word search by usingthe search tool located at the top right of the page. > In-person Short Courses


Welcome to UA Little Rock Extended Education! Browse our available Courses and Trainings using the categories below. Just click on the subcategory to see what is available. Or, perform a key word search by using the search tool located at the top right of the page.

You must sign in to register for our programs. Please note, if this is your first visit to our site, you will need to click on Sign in and go to create new account; otherwise, you will be prompted to create a new account at checkout. You will need the email address and birthdate for each person you plan to register. We recommend that you use a desktop when registering. 

If you would like a human to walk you through the registration process, please call (501) 916-3294 and someone will be happy to guide you.

Masks are required for all in-person classes and workshops.



UA Little Rock Extended Education

2801 South University Avenue
Fine Arts Building, Suite 164
Little Rock, AR 72204

More contact information