The Value of Your Metal and E-Waste: Minimizing Your Carbon Footprint While Enhancing Your Wallet
What is the value of the metal and e-waste lying around your garage, basement, or yard? This course starts with an historical survey regarding scrap recycling and its necessity for survival in Jewish ghettos. The second part examines the two classifications of ferrous vs. non-ferrous waste, and the many classes of non- ferrous material. The third part involves personal application for each student (classifying, pricing, preparing, and bargaining at the scales). The presentation wraps up with an analysis of the future of metals and e-waste recycling.
Fee: $12.00
Capacity Remaining: 18
Dates: 10/18/2024 - 10/18/2024
Times: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Sessions: 1
Days: F
Instructor: John Brown
Building: River's Crossing