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Maps, Gazetteers, Atlases and Other Essential Tools for Family History   

Family history research requires putting people in a place at a time. Geography and related resources are helpful tools in finding ancestors. Clues as to why people moved, where they came from, how they moved, and where they went can often be determined by looking at the terrain, climate, and geography. Maps, charts, gazetteers, and online geography-related resources are abundant and indispensable. This three-hour overview of resources will be lecture and hands-on in the class. Please plan on at least 12 hours for the Advance Assignments before class to maximize benefit.
  • Maps, Gazetteers, Atlases and Other Essential Tools for Family History

  • Family history research requires putting people in a place at a time. Geography and related resources are helpful tools in finding ancestors. Clues as to why people moved, where they came from, how they moved, and where they went can often be determined by looking at the terrain, climate, and geography. Maps, charts, gazetteers, and online geography-related resources are abundant and indispensable. This three-hour overview of resources will be lecture and hands-on in the class. Please plan on at least 12 hours for the Advance Assignments before class to maximize benefit.


  • Fee: $12.00

    Capacity Remaining: 17

    Dates: 3/14/2025 - 3/14/2025

    Times: 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM

    Sessions: 1

    Days: F

  • Instructor: Laura Carter

    Building: River's Crossing


  • Maps, Gazetteers, Atlases and Other Essential Tools for Family History

  • Family history research requires putting people in a place at a time. Geography and related resources are helpful tools in finding ancestors. Clues as to why people moved, where they came from, how they moved, and where they went can often be determined by looking at the terrain, climate, and geography. Maps, charts, gazetteers, and online geography-related resources are abundant and indispensable. This three-hour overview of resources will be lecture and hands-on in the class. Please plan on at least 12 hours for the Advance Assignments before class to maximize benefit.


  • Fee: $12.00

    Capacity Remaining: 100

    Dates: 3/14/2025 - 3/14/2025

    Times: 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM

    Sessions: 1

    Days: F

  • Instructor: Laura Carter

    Building: Online via Zoom


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