Please sign in to “Existing Account” by entering your username and password in the top two boxes. If you are not signed in, you will not be able to add items to your cart. If you have forgotten your username and password, you will be able to request a new one using the prompts provided.
If you are not currently a member, create a new account by scrolling to the bottom of the page to “Create New Account”. Once you have created your account, we suggest that you go ahead and purchase a membership now so you will be ready to add classes when class registration opens.
· If your membership expired on or before June 30, 2024, you will need to renew. As you will need to purchase a membership, i.e. “Add a Membership to your cart” before you can select any of the classes. We suggest that you renew before class registration opens.
· If your membership expires on or after December 31, 2024, you will be able to add classes straight to your cart.
Adding Classes
Fall Classes are available for registration starting and run until the day before the class starts.
On the registration site, classes are listed by date and alphabetically
To select a class, click the ‘Add to Cart’ button - a shopping cart will pop out on the right hand side.
To add more classes, preview your cart, then use the ‘Back’ button to return and select another class.
Checking out
Once you have registered for all the classes you wish to take, you can proceed through the checkout process.
If you want to add classes at a future date, you will be able to do so using these same instructions.
Class disappearing from Cart
If your class keeps disappearing from your cart when you try to log out, you may already be registered for the class. You can check under "My Account" > "Make a Payment" to see if you have any outstanding invoices. If you are still having problems, please call the office.
If you are using a public computer, please remember to log out.