University of Southern Mississippi
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
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Welcome to OLLI! > Membership


Not a current member or need to renew? When registering, please remember to select the membership for the chapter closest to where you live.

Hattiesburg | $50

Gulf Park | $40

USM Faculty and Staff | $30  

Zoom Only | $30

The Zoom Only membership option is available for individuals who will not attend in-person classes or events on either campus. Individuals enrolled in all other membership options may take classes in-person on either campus and online.

All memberships are good for 365 days from the day you register. Please ignore the June dates.

To register for classes, you must have a membership added to your cart. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Gulf Park 228.214.3277 | Hattiesburg 601.266.6554


Annual Membership - Hattiesburg
Price: $50.00
Your membership expires 365 days from purchase date.


Annual Membership - Gulf Park
Price: $40.00
Your membership expires 365 days from purchase date.


Annual Membership - Zoom Only
Price: $30.00
Your membership expires 365 days from purchase date.


Annual Membership - Faculty and Staff
Price: $30.00
Your membership expires 365 days from purchase date.


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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at The University of Southern Mississippi | Peck House, 3601 Pearl St. | 118 College Drive, Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001 | 601.266.6554 | AA/EOE/ADAI

Gulf Park, North Academic Building, Room 212 | 730 E. Beach Boulevard | Long Beach MS 39560 | 228.214.3277

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