University of Southern Mississippi
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
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Special Events - HB   

Before I Die: Preparing for Death - HB In-Person
This event will feature a panel consisting of a palliative care physician, a hospital chaplain and representatives from both hospice and a local funeral home. Each of the presenters will share their particular area of expertise that will be followed by a time for question and answers from the participants.
Fee: $0.00
Remaining Seats: 30
Instructor: Nanci Youngblood
Dates: 3/11/2025 - 3/11/2025
Times: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Sessions: 1
Days: Tu
Building: Peck House - Hattiesburg

NOTE: If you do not see an "Add to Cart" button, there are three possible reasons. 1) Registration has not yet begun.  2) You have not added an annual membership to your cart. 3) You are not logged in. Check for Welcome FirstName in top left-hand corner of screen. 


Music We Grew Up On-The Crooners - HB In-Person
Is it a class? Is it a social gathering for meeting and making friends? Well, it is a bit of both. Jim Dryden is a human encyclopedia of music and music history. In each session, Jim will present a 30-45 minute discussion on a variety of music genres such as Bubble Gum and One-Hit Wonders. Each discussion is followed by music listening and socializing for the fun of it. Free and Open to the Public.
Fee: $0.00
Remaining Seats: 50
Instructor: Jim Dryden
Dates: 1/23/2025 - 1/23/2025
Times: 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Sessions: 1
Days: Th
Building: Peck House - Hattiesburg
Room: Annex A

NOTE: If you do not see an "Add to Cart" button, there are three possible reasons. 1) Registration has not yet begun.  2) You have not added an annual membership to your cart. 3) You are not logged in. Check for Welcome FirstName in top left-hand corner of screen. 


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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at The University of Southern Mississippi | Peck House, 3601 Pearl St. | 118 College Drive, Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001 | 601.266.6554 | AA/EOE/ADAI

Gulf Park, North Academic Building, Room 212 | 730 E. Beach Boulevard | Long Beach MS 39560 | 228.214.3277

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