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Welcome to ElderwiseIn-person, online, and hybrid classes Registration for Fall 2024OpeningVery Soon! > Culture

Spanish Tales: A Journey Through Andalucia   

Z  Online Class: A Zoom invitation link will be sent one day before class begins.

Sit back in your armchair while travelling through the southern region of Spain known as Andalucía, a sunlit landscape where Islamic, Judaic, and Christian cultures overlapped for many centuries. Linda will share her recent self-guided travel adventure, with facts, impressions, iconic sites and sights, both majestic and quaint: white hillside villages, churches at every turn, and major historic attractions. From sophisticated Sevilla, the port city and launch place of Christopher Columbus and the great Age of Discovery, to Córdoba with its May flower festival, Royal Stables and the Mezquita Mosque-Cathedral, to Grenada with its towering Alhambra and fascinating Gypsy caves, to the village of Rhonda clinging to the top of a magnificent gorge in the rolling, olive tree and poppy covered countryside.

Linda Gintowt holds an M.A. in drama from the University of Toronto. She has a passion for history and the preservation of art and culture. Linda served as the Elderwise Program Coordinator for five years.



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