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Welcome to ElderwiseIn-person, online, and hybrid classes Registration for Fall 2024 is Open!

Welcome to Elderwise In-person, online, and hybrid classes
Registration for Fall 2024 is Open!


Our classroom and office space are located at 2275 Platt Road, Ann Arbor, near the main entrance to County Farm Park.
Phone 734.340.4691   Email


Annual membership is $30 and covers fall, winter, and spring terms. Membership can be purchased at any time. Membership is not required. If purchasing a membership, please add it to your cart FIRST before your classes to receive your membership discount. Or purchase your membership in your first order and your classes in your second order. Membership discounts are automatically applied at checkout. Members pay $10/session; nonmembers pay $15/session. See the membership tab for more information.

Click on a category below to see related classes. Select SIGN IN to register and pay. If you are new to Elderwise, click SIGN IN and then create an account.

To preview our classes in catalog format, click on VIEW CATALOG below, after the TOURS & FIELD TRIPS category. 

To view the term's three calendars click on CALENDARS at the top, righthand side of this page, to the left of Search.

Elderwise does not offer class fee credits or refunds to members or nonmenbers who cancel their own registrations. In the event that Elderwise must cancel a class, class fees are refunded. 

Zoom Links are emailed the day before online/hybrid sessions. For Monday sessions links are emailed the Friday before. If you cannot find the Zoom Link email, CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER, before contacting us.


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