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Welcome to ElderwiseIn-person, online, and hybrid classes Winter Term 2025 Registration is Open! > Politics


  • William W. Cook: U-M Donor Extraordinaire 

  • IN-PERSON: The Elderwise classroom at the Vineyard Church

    William W. Cook (1858-1930) graduated from the University of Michigan’s LSA and Law School and donated the Martha Cook Building and the entire University of Michigan Law Quadrangle. This class will describe how a man who grew up in the small Michigan town of Hillsdale became a successful lawyer in Manhattan, helped to create trans-global communications, and became the nation’s leading expert on corporation law. Cook was generous but eccentric, and racially biased by today’s standards. Margaret Leary’s presentation addresses critical changes in the role of philanthropy and of race in the last century, both at the university and nationally. Margaret Leary received a B.A. from Cornell University, an M.A. from the University of Minnesota, another from Eastern Michigan University, and a J.D. from the William Mitchell College of Law. She taught at the University of Michigan Law School and was director of the university’s Law Library from 1984 to 2011. Margaret is the author of Giving It All Away: The Story of William C. Cook and His Michigan Law Quadrangle (University of Michigan Press, 2011).


  • Fee: $15.00

  • Instructor(s): Margaret A. Leary

  • Dates: 2/19/2025 - 2/19/2025

    Times: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Sessions: 1

    Days: W

  • Building: Vineyard Church

    Room: Classroom at the Vineyard Church

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  • American Politics Panel 

  • ONLINE: A Zoom invitation link will be sent one day before class begins.

    As our politics panel convenes at the start of a new administration, questions require answers. Did final 2024 election results differ from what they seemed in November? How did the transfer of power compare to four years ago? What do partisan majorities in Congress and the legislature predict for policy outcomes of the new president and Governor Whitmer? Who were the president’s executive nominees? And what foreign and domestic crises demanded attention? Join us as we tangle with national and state political news. Jeffrey Bernstein studies and teaches political science and American politics at Eastern Michigan University (EMU). Jeffrey specializes in public opinion and political behavior. Michael Homel is Professor Emeritus of history at EMU. Mike’s special expertise is in the fields of 20th century American history and American urban history. Larry Kestenbaum is the Washtenaw County Clerk/Register of Deeds. He is the creator and owner of the Internet’s most comprehensive source for American political biography,


  • Fee: $15.00

  • Instructor(s): Panel Political

  • Dates: 2/26/2025 - 2/26/2025

    Times: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

  • Sessions: 1

    Days: W

  • Building: Online Course

    Room: Online via Zoom

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  • Reflections on the 'Forgotten War' in Sudan 

  • ONLINE: A Zoom invitation link will be sent one day before class begins.

    Michael is an anthropologist who has visited archaeological sites in Sudan, most recently in 2023, two months before the catastrophic war between two warring factions broke out in April of that year. Since then, as of August 2024, an estimated 16,000 people have been killed, more than 8 million have been internally displaced, and an additional 2 million have fled to neighboring countries. More than half of Sudan’s 25.6 million face acute hunger or worse. Here in the West, this “Forgotten War” has received little to no attention. Since the outbreak of the war, Michael has stayed in near-daily contact with two members of a Sudanese family who, having lost their since-ransacked home in Khartoum, fled to two other Sudanese cities before finally seeking refuge in Egypt. He will provide insight into the conflict through the lens of their experiences, and through a broader look at the history of the region and the global dimensions of putatively “local” conflicts, concluding with some suggestions about how, as conscientious citizens of the world, we might take some modest steps to help mitigate the suffering of those whose lives have been disrupted by conflict. Michael Fahy holds a Ph.D. degree in anthropology from the University of Michigan and taught for 20 years at the University’s School of Education. He is an anthropologist of the Middle East, where he lived and pursued research for several years. Since 2004 Michael has offered presentations on Middle Eastern history and culture to American military personnel across the United States and Europe.


  • Fee: $15.00

  • Instructor(s): Michael Fahy

  • Dates: 2/28/2025 - 2/28/2025

    Times: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Sessions: 1

    Days: F

  • Building: Online Course

    Room: Online via Zoom

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  • Taking Apart the News: Another Critical Year
    Dates: 2/3/2025 - 3/28/2025

  • ONLINE registration for this class is now closed.
      If the start date of the first session has not happened yet,
      please call or email the Elderwise office to get registered.
      Thank you!
  • ONLINE: A Zoom invitation link will be sent a day or two before each class session begins.
    1st Session: Monday, February 3, 1PM-3PM
    2nd Session: Friday, March 28, 1PM-3PM

    Al Chambers’ Taking Apart the News (TATN) classes will emphasize the 2024 Election. Who won and why? What has happened since? How is the defeated candidate and party handling the bitter loss? What seem to be the early implications for the Presidency, Congress, Supreme Court, and the U.S. population? How are other nations reacting, both allies and adversaries? These sessions will also review other major news and media coverage, plus look for a bit of humor! Al Chambers continues to focus on the power and speed of news, media, and technology, in this rapidly changing world. Taking Apart the News is in its 21st year at Elderwise.


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