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Welcome to ElderwiseIn-person, online, and hybrid classes Registration for Fall 2024OpeningVery Soon! > History

Ford, The Company   

Z  Online Class:  A Zoom invitation link will be sent one day before class begins.

Henry Ford is perhaps best known for his Model T, but there are a number of other products produced by the company under his leadership. Some of them may even surprise you! Join us as Steve Stanford discusses the known and little known “vehicles” produced by Ford. The Ford Motor Company was not the only production company Mr. Ford operated during his time. In this class we will explore several other Ford enterprises and look at the reasons behind their operations. Note: Another class in March, Ford – The Society, will explore additional aspects of Henry Ford.

Steven Stanford is a Henry Ford scholar who has published numerous programs and articles about Mr. Ford. He is the editor of The Ford Legend, a 24-page newsletter published three times each year by the Henry Ford Heritage Association. Steven was a regular presenter at Elderwise until he retired and moved to Ohio in 2016. Besides his editorial work, Steven is employed by the WACO Air Museum and Learning Center in Troy, Ohio, where he works as an Associate.



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