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Welcome to ElderwiseIn-person, online, and hybrid classes Registration for Fall 2024OpeningVery Soon! > Nature

Pollinators and Friends: A Place for Butterflies and Bees in Our Gardens   

C  In-Person Class:  This class will be taught in person, in the classroom at the Vineyard Church.
    Enrollment:  Pandemic protocols may limit the enrollment for this class.
    Registrants will be informed in advance, and a waitlist will be available.

Horticulturist-educator Lee Smith Bravender will discuss why and how the University of Michigan's Matthaei Botanical Garden created a Pollinator Garden as part of its Gaffield Children's Garden. She will introduce some of the pollinators you might expect to meet locally, some of the plants which might attract the pollinators to your home gardens, and some of the best overall practices for pollinator gardening. In order to learn more specifically about Monarch butterflies, we will also view the NOVA film, The Incredible Journey of the Butterflies.


Lee Smith Bravender is responsible for the Gaffield Children’s Garden and Pollinator Garden at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens, where she advocates and creates opportunities for hands-on nature play. Her favorite pollinators include bees of all sorts and hummingbird moths.


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