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Welcome to ElderwiseIn-person, online, and hybrid classes Registration for Fall 2024OpeningVery Soon! > Culture

Egyptian Burial Practices and the Afterlife   

Online Class:  A ZOOM invitation link will be sent one day before class begins.

The ancient Egyptians believed in a happy and eternal afterlife, and their burial practices reflected this belief. They believed that mummification preserved the bodies of the deceased so they could enjoy the food and grave goods which were buried with them. Decorations on tomb walls depicted banquets, harvests, and other lovely scenes of what might lie ahead. Join us on this Zoom tour where our docent guide will share aspects of ancient Egyptian burial practices using artifacts from the Kelsey's collection, as well as images of artifacts in several other museums. This virtual tour will be facilitated by the Kelsey Museum’s docent staff.

[photo credits: Coffin of the Priest Djehutymose
Wood, Plaster, Paint
Saite Period, 685-525 BCE (26th Dynasty), Nag el-Hassaia, Egypt
Albert Todd Donation, 1930s
KM 1989.3.1]




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